Hotel_1_klein250 Our dive-spot at the hotel

Here you’ll find an overwhelming dive-spot. Under water the rocks continue as they appear above the water-surface. We’ll start at a depth of 2m and we can go down to 26m into the deep.

riff_small The reef

The reef is some kilometers long. You can dive and explore it in four different directions.Mostly it consists of rocks, in some places at 20m there`s also sandy ground. The entering daylight makes all the colours shining bright, even from 20 meters away still visible.

hoehle2_small Cave-diving

Diving in the most beautiful caves around Antalya.

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flugzeug_rahmen Wreck-diving

The american aircraft-wreck..

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see1_klein Special trip for groups (by appointment only)

an unforgettable dive trip in a dreamlike unebrührter and deserted area.

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